Tuesday, September 27, 2011

He's Here!

Bam Bam has made his appearance!

On Friday morning, I went for my regular 38 week appointment.  At my 37 week appointment, I was 4 cm dilated.  Before she checked me on Friday, my midwife wanted to know how I'd feel about stripping my membranes if I was 5 cm dilated.  Then she checked me and said, "Uh....how about if you're 7?!?"

Yep, I was walking around town 7 cm dilated. 

We decided the best thing was for me to go home, get my things together, pick Wiggle Man up from school and get him settled at his friend's house, then the Rev and I would head to the hospital.  Once we were at the hospital, I wanted to see if I could get some stronger contractions going without resorting to pictocin.  I had pitocin with Wiggle Man, and that plus having my water broken equaled some sudden, painful contractions.

So this time around, I walked.  I walked around and around and around the floor.  I sat on a birthing ball.  I sat in the jacuzzi tub.  I walked more.  I sat on the ball more.  And after 4 hours I'd made it all the way to 8 cm.  I know.

So we started the pitocin.  At this point, my water still hadn't broken, but the contractions were picking up.   The Rev made a great labour coach, by the way.  He was fabulous, and I couldn't have done it without him.

Eventually, we realized I wasn't getting past 8-9 cm without my water breaking, so the midwife did that.  Since I have already scarred friends of mine with a detailed account of that, I will save you the visual.  But it would have made a great scene from one of those teen comedy movies, I assure you.

The very next contraction I was ready to push, and about half an hour later, Bam Bam joined our family on "the outside."  The put him on my chest while they cleaned him up, and the midwife waited until the umbilical cord stopped pulsing before she cut it. 

I remember when Wiggle Man was born it was hard to feel anything beyond the relief that I had done it; I had actually delivered this baby.   This time was more emotional for me.  I think knowing how much love I have for Wiggle Man helped me feel that maternal swell of love for Bam Bam right away.  Although, I will admit that some of my first words to Bam Bam were "Thank you for coming out!"

Wiggle Man is so gentle with his little brother, it makes my heart melt.  He gives him tiny kisses on his forehead, and strokes his dark hair.  When Wiggle Man came to the hospital to meet his baby brother, Bam Bam turned to look at him as if to say, "Oh, I know you."   It was darling.   I'm still waiting for the sibling jealousy to kick in.  I'm sure it will, but for now I'm loving every second of my two boys.  And my big one. 

Speaking of Bam Bam, I think he needs a different nickname.  While he certainly was strong and active in the womb, his personality so far on the outside is very laid back.  At the risk of jinxing everything by saying this, he's a really calm baby.  It's a little unnerving.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Week

Well, I'm still pregnant.

Which is good, really.  Today is the 36 week mark; when I go to my appointment tomorrow I find out if I am allowed off the couch this week, or next week. 

Things have been quiet around here, for the most part.  I hang out on the couch, I crochet, I read, I check my email more times a day than is good for anyone's sanity, and try and keep Wiggle Man occupied.

We have been super blessed by a church family who is taking wonderful care of us. 

Oh, and I try not to eat everything in the house.  Like, this afternoon I had a cheese stick, a pudding cup, and some popcorn.  And I'm seriously considering a bowl of mashed potatoes covered in cheese.  For some reason, the last month of pregnancy for me is always a killer.  I do great with my weight until that last month, when I no longer crave fruits and veggies, but carbs, carbs and more carbs.

In other news:

This big guy had his first day of school today:

He was sooooooooo excited to go to school.  The Rev and I were sooooooooooo excited to have him go.  He's been in need of some routine and some time out of the house.  When he came home, we made a craft for each set of grandparents.  He's been adamant we need to make them something for Grandparent's day, which according to the Sprout channel is coming up.  (Sorry Mom and Dad--I didn't know!)   I'd show you a picture of our craft, but I'd spoil the surprise for Grandma and Poppa, and Grammy and Pop Pop when they get their presents.

Plus, Wiggle Man wrote his name on a piece of paper that was actually legible.  Whoa.
