Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Not Being That Girl

There seems to be this idea going around that I'm a good baker. Probably because I post pictures, lots of pictures, of things that I've made that look yummy.

What I don't post, however, are things that look less than yummy.

You see, I want you to think I'm a good baker, a good cook, a good musician, a good wife and mother (and not necessarily in that order, of course.) But I like the notion that I have it all together.

It's completely false, of course. I don't have it all together. You don't have it all together. We all know someone that we think has it all together. Someone who only serves healthy food to her family, who seems to have a natural gorgeousness even wearing sweats and a ponytail, whose house could be (and let's face it, probably was) featured in a magazine.

But I'm guessing even that woman doesn't have it all together. She can't. No one can. It's not how we're made, and I think there's a reason for that. I think we're not supposed to be able to stay on top of everything so that we realise our need for something other than. Something (or rather, Someone) other than us.

Well, today I'm going to show you my less-than-wonderful side.

I tried to make cookies today. I tried. But I was out of shortening, and my recipe calls for half butter and half shortening. I thought I could make it work with just butter. Yeah...not so much.

Cookies made solely with butter have a tendency to spread. Factor in my tendency to make larger cookies, and you end up with a pan full of cookie blobs all stuck together.

Then imagine me trying to remove said cookie blobs. It wasn't pretty, friends. The picture doesn't do these mangled, twisted cookie wrecks justice. The Rev actually laughed when he saw them. (That didn't stop him from sampling them, however.)

So, besides their photo here, these cookies will never see the light of day. They will not leave this house. I imagine The Rev, Wiggle Man and I will not let them go to waste. We'll probably snack on them over the next day or so. (The leftover dough that I never even bothered to bake once I saw how the cookies came out? That, my dears, is safely stowed in my fridge. Cookie dough is cookie dough.)


  1. LOL. Yes Cookie Dough is Cookie Dough! :) I'm the same type!!!! Infact I made cookie dough the other day to bake cookies. Preheated the oven, grabbed a bowl, scooped some up and then sat down with it. Didn't even bake a single cookie. Although the rest of the dough sits in the fridge now. You could've made bars with the leftover dough! :)

  2. Dearest Missus,
    "no one can have it all together, it is how we are made..." seems to this lurking friend from the Hub a serious theological statement. I love the metaphor, whether it was intended as a metaphor or not. Maybe you could tell the Rev he could use it sometime. I'm sure he would be honored. Blessings ~ one who lurks

  3. Thanks for your honesty. My life is such a wreck sometimes I call it "my ministry." You know, clean laundry piled high on the couch even though we are having a play date. Now, other moms know I'm very busy, think people are more important than laundry, and that I'm a slob. :o) Then, they can feel comfortable if their house isn't perfect when I visit. It is a calling.
