Monday, March 29, 2010


Spring has sprung. I can't wait to see what will pop up in my garden, as this is the first spring we've been here. What colour will these tulips be? It's like Christmas, only without the cold.

We have houseguests. No, not Auntie La La, although she'll be down later this week. Does this guy look familiar?

I'm not sure if he's the same Mr. Robin that Wiggle Man tried to build a house for the other day. This guy was in our front yard, not the back. But somehow, the robins got the idea that they were welcome at out house.
Construction workers look a little different in the animal kingdom, it seems:

This is what greeted me this morning when Wiggle Man and I returned home from a cheese purchasing trip. My first response was laughter, then the need to grab the camera so I could share it with you. When the Rev came home later, his response was...slightly different. I'm not sure, but I think Casa Del Robin is no more.



  1. Wonderful, I can't wait to see them here too!!

  2. Oh my! and I just realized I could see your reflection in the door.

    Love it.

